Mutton Hollow Outfitters started with a half dozen guys who would rather tie flies than become couch potatoes, except for Dan; he wasn't allowed out, so we met at his house. It evolved into much more and includes an August picnic with well over one hundred in attendance every year. We no longer have the August picnic now we have a Two – Fly Competition and Lunching in May. The focus is on fly fishing and fly tying with regular meetings to tie in the winter months. Once it warms up, Monday evenings find various groups of members on local streams, primarily in Clearfield, Centre, Cameron, Blair, Huntingdon, Potter and Clinton counties. Our home streams are Kettle Creek in Clinton and Potter counties, First Fork of the Sinnemahoning in Cameron county, Spring Creek in Centre county, and Little Juniata in Blair and Huntingdon counties. We fish extensively and steadily on a number of central Pennsylvania streams. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at mho@mhoutfitters.com or check us out on facebook